Dr. Welch successfully completed five postdoctoral years of training in psychiatry at the University of Miami School of Medicine and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine. That training substantially exceeds the usual board certification requirements for practicing psychiatrists.

The private, clinical practice is unique in its adherence to the traditional (pre-managed care) doctor-patient relationship. Dr. Welch honors the time-tested principle that people are better served by seeing the same doctor for therapy, diagnosis, and medication needs. Many psychological, neurological and neuropsychiatric tests are performed in the office. Additional laboratory testing, electrocardiographic, electroencephalographic, imaging tests, etc. are integrated into the diagnosis and treatment of Dr. Welch's patients.

Dr. Welch has had a strong holistic perspective before and after medical and psychiatric training. Individuals' preferences regarding medications, alternatives, etc. are critically important and respected. Psychological and medical education and independence are key treatment goals that all of Dr. Welch's patients have in common.

Dr. Welch successfully completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Forensic Psychiatry. He attended the Chapel Hill School of Law as a special (fellowship) student. He was appointed as an Affiliate Asst. Professor at the University of South Florida School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and a Teaching Fellow at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry.

The practice includes diagnostic evaluations/consultations, private psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy,independent medical evaluations, disability evaluations, substance abuse and addictions treatment.

Dr. Welch is an addiction specialist who is nationally certified and licensed to treat opiate addiction (opiates include codiene, pain medicine, heroin, etc.) using medication (buprenorphine) to avert withdrawal discomfort. Highly effective, combined medication and therapy are used for smoking, alcohol, and eating problems. Many other forms of addiction are routinely encountered and treated in Dr. Welch's practice.

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Dr. Welch

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Bruce Welch, M.D.
535 Central Ave.
St. Petersburg, FL


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